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The Blog Love

If you missed the news, I've changed the name of this blog to Hawks and Honey!  I'm super excited about the change and you can find me at:

Thanks for your loyalty and readership!  I hope to see you following along at Hawks and Honey!

Here are the blogs and websites I want to share with you {I feel like I'm missing so many!}

Desert Gypsy Mama.  You may recognize this name from my side bar, my friend Katie share the most interesting posts of daily life and art.  Enjoy!

All Things Thrifty *This is what my blog is aspiring to be, in the crafting department
I'm addicted!

She's {kinda} Crafty.  just in case you don't have enough craftiness on my blog.

Manic Mrs. Stone.  A hippie mama I like reading about.

Mother Nature Mama. She's got some great D.I.Y.s and I like her parenting style.

www.alexismoshfreeman.com This is the blog of a local tattoo apprentice here in Phoenix, she did the Russian nesting doll on my calf and is uber talented and awesome.

Sometimes Sweet  *This blog belongs to a friend of a friend and she has the sweetest posts!

Our Pretty Little Life *A blog about some people I know

Chemical Free Skinny *A blog about not eating crap food

Wish we had Acres *Local urban farm in Phoenix.

Peaceful Parenting *A must read for any parents, things you never thought about and how it affects your baby and children.  Seriously, important information!

Nitty Gritty *A personal blog featuring lots of the things I love, reusing, natural healing and clean eating!

For the Love of Cooking

Creations of College *A blog about clean cooking while in college. Yay! Emily!

Fuck Yeah Glass Jars! - a recent Tumblr I've started to collect images of ball jars, check it out and submit your own glass jar images!

Kim-Anh Nguyen Art