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Friday, March 16, 2012

{W&G Wedding} The Weekend After.

Well, the bride and groom are gone on their European getaway; Spain, France and Italy!  But the rest of the family and out of town guests stayed a few days longer.  And here's how we spent the weekend after the wedding...

On Saturday evening we headed over to Husband's Nonnie's house:
Appetizers; that's cantaloupe wrapped in bacon in the back there.
I didn't have a piece but I heard it was a big hit!
Also, those pretty little vegetable looking things? They're candy!  Candy almonds! an Italian wedding tradition signifying fertility.  They were tastey! I hope I didn't increase my fertilization by having any, though.
Oh, and see that cheese spreader? white with black letters? That's from my wedding!
We gave out of town guests prickly pear jelly and spreading knives that say; "Spread the Love
Clever, right?

Sonja playing hide and seek with her aunt Emily.
She counts now, when she thinks she's hiding.
"two, tree, two." Adorable. 
Second Cousins and Great Aunts.
Fancy Necklaces and Wine too. 
Among the wedding fun was a birthday!
Do those boys look bored? or maybe it's just too loud for them to think?
Salad and Pasta, what else do Italians eat??

Oh right, Godiva Chocolates! I magically guessed, the one with caramel filling.  WIN.
Conversations and a happy evening.

The next morning we headed to the Point Hilton to enjoy some pool time with the extended family:
Instagr.am collage.

After the pool we cleaned up and headed to one of the hotel's resturants; a Pointe in Tyme:
Before taking a nap, a sweet second cousin gave Cupcake a family heirloom, it's not the bag, its a beautiful necklace {inside} that belonged to my husband's Great Grandmother!
Eggs Benedict, No Bacon. My Favorite! 
And this was so good I almost forgot to take a photo. Rum Raisin French Toast. 
Love those crazy eyes! and Em. too.

And that was the weekend after W&G wedding.  Hope you've enjoyed wedding week here on D.I.Y.  I'll be posting more this week on actual D.I.Y. projects, so check back soon!

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