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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Link Love no. 15

A lovely view for some lovely links.

Love this pregnancy series by Lesley Grahm

Medicinal Plants of the Southwest, guided tour.  So excited to sit down and watch this!

Another article about hospitals and homebirths, I LOVE the chart they have on this site for the risks of hospital births, most if not all are preventable if you know how to assert yourself, really great info for anyone having a baby.

The Terrible Tragedy of the Healthy Eater.  I feel like we eat really healthy but this just makes me laugh so hard, because... well... it's true.  Everything in moderation, even health.

Are you still using hidden GMOs?  Here are 7 sneaky Genetically Modified Organisms probably making their way into your home and body.

Great acupuncture information for childbirth.  Pressure points on your body to relieve pain during labor.  YES, PLEASE!

Alkaline and Acid based diets.  I'm finding a lot of contradictory informaiton.  Do you follow an alkaline diet?  It seems like candida (yeast) would explode on this diet, something I'm trying to prevent... apparently an acid stomach but slightly alkaline body are the goals for a healthy body, here's another source for acidic and alkaline foods.  And this chart seems helpful in differentiating between acidic and alkaline items, I guess I'm still trying to figure out if it IS beneficial to eat a high alkaline diet, I think it can cause kidney stones too, anyone have any info on this theory??

For any other Candida sufferers out there this is a great blog with a few helpful recipes!

and because I'm trying something new, and you might want to too, check out my new Jux.  do you Jux? I'm still trying to figure out how I want to use it.  Like a glorified instagram?? Right now there are just a few maternity photos posted, but I'll be adding art and such later.

And those are the links I'm loving right now.  Do you share links on your blog?  If so, comment below!

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