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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Pregnancy Round 2 {6 Weeks}

I had my sister take a few "Before" photos of me and the fam. before I start showing.

I have a really fun idea in mind which I'll share postpartum, for now here's just a few images from our sessions, weeks 4 and 6.

I feel kind of silly with the yoga pose right now. I wasn't warmed up and I was rushing because Husband HATES taking photos and he was waiting to wrap it up while I was posing. But I'm posting it, anyway, for two reasons. 1. I know it will be worth it when I see all the documentation of yoga modifications and poses from the whole pregnancy. 2. I could use some humility, I try too hard to be perfect at certain things and when I'm not I judge myself, but since yoga's not about that I'm going to publish the fact that I tried.

Week 4 I felt good.  Nothing significant stands out, in fact, a few times I actually forgot I was pregnant.

Week 5 was also nothing new, just a bit of mild heartburn and some preparations for morning sickness. I bought some anti-nausea bracelets and some prenatals, probiotics and some essential oils.  

Week 6 was a little bit rougher on me than the previous weeks.  I headed to Michigan with my Mom and Sonja just days before 6 weeks.  The flight was fine, I mostly felt hungry and a little heart burn but I was able to get a bunch of food before we took off and on our layover.  We stayed with family and went shopping Saturday morning at the local farmers market {I'll be doing a separate post on the trip for all the details} and got a few items.  When we got back to my Aunt and Uncle's house I made sure to cook and prepare some food while I still felt "good."  I'm so happy I did because I ended up waking up at 4:30am Sunday morning feeling like I needed to vomit.  No luck for me there, after HOURS {seven to be exact}  I never threw up, no matter how hard I tried.  And I tried.  I felt awful for the rest of that day until about 9pm when it finally started fading.  Over the next few days I became intimately aquatinted to the shower curtain in the guest bathroom and cold linoleum tile as well. Monday was also rough, but since my mom and sister were both there now I had plenty of  help with Sonja, much more than if I had just been at home with her alone.  Tuesday was only slightly rough, and we headed out on the road for a mini vacation within a vacation.  I did fine on the drive but by the time we were heading out on our bike ride about 1/4 a mile in, I realized I was going to need a bathroom.  Like, NEEDED a bathroom.  So, I asked my sister to take my bike with Sonja's attachment and I took hers.  I rode as quick as I could to the nearest bathroom and graciously used the facilities.  That evening for dinner I gave into my carnivore cravings from the week and ordered some fish and chips.  It wasn't good or even something I'm proud of {as a vegetarian} but the morning sickness was GONE the next morning.  I still felt hungry and had some heart burn but nothing compared to sitting in the bathroom for hours and the nausea that plauged me the previous three days.  I guess to recap week 6 it would be the same as my previous pregnancy; the start of morning sickness.  The difference, though, is that this seems to be getting better after just 3 intense days.  Which I couldn't be more grateful for.  I know I took a risk getting pregnant, that I'd be miserable for 3 months and a terrible mother too, but I think it's getting better already and hopefully by the time Sonja and I are on our own at home again I'll be able to fulfill my motherly duties.

As far as cravings go, I really want asian food and organic food.  It seems like everything here in Michigan is fried, meat, or full of preservatives.  I can't wait to be home again near a whole foods.  I also am seriously craving some pad thai and fried rice.  Which is weird, because I don't want eggs at the moment but both have them as significant ingredients.  I've been living off kefir and bananas, after my morning dose of both I'm able to comfortably consume a bagel and sometimes cereal without milk.  Lunch and dinner must be prepared for me, since the thought of touching food or making a meal is enough to make me loose my appetite, and therefore sends me back into a vicious cycle of hunger pains leading to nausea.

Now, with all the week 6 updates in order I guess I should share week 6 photos, not much progress here on the belly bump front, but you can sort of tell I'm a little more pudgy than I was last week, at least, I think.

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1 comment:

  1. You are seriously the cutest! I'm working on letting go a bit more when it comes to perfection and my yoga poses because, you're totally right, that's not at all what it's about...every pose your body does is perfect as you're doing it. Sometimes I forget that I can't measure someone else's "perfect" against my own. ;)
