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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Start of our Fall Garden 2012

Last week Sonja and I started our seeds for our fall garden.  It's late August and I started freaking out because to get pumpkins in time for Halloween you have to plant seeds early August.  I hope by starting them inside and waiting until it cools off and {until I can properly manage the garden} they'll be here in time.  But if not, at least they'll be here for Thanksgiving!
The Supplies! 
I went to a coffee tasting at Starbucks and they had these mini cups, after the tasting I asked if I could have the used cups for my seeds.  They looked at me like I was crazy but gave them to me anyway.  So, yay for upcycling and free seed starting "pots"
I filled them with soil and then the pumpkin seeds below:
It's beyond important to label seeds so when they sprout you know how to care for them, each plant is different and baby plants need a lot of attention.
Sonja helped me fill the cups
I also started a few other plants and labeled each cup individually.
Once we had everything prepped we added our seeds.

My sister in law watered them while we were on vacation and I'm proud to say almost all of them are sprouting!   Including the seeds I saved from a fairy squash last year.  I can not explain how excited I am that I was able to save seeds and dry them properly and store them properly myself!!! I hope they survive the transplanting process.

I'll update you again in about a month once we see some major plant progress.

Happy Fall Gardening!

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1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog from That Mama Gretchen, your blog is really inspiring and I have added you to my GFC so I can follow along.

    I am due in september and I love that your blog includes your daughter but you dont share her face, I think it really respects her as an individual.

    Natalie x
