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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Week in Review {Image Heavy}

I hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween!  I know some people don't celebrate and that's cool.  We don't do the whole devil worship thing either.  But I do love me some pumpkin art, costumes and sweets.  So, it's actually one of my favorite holidays.  Runner up to Thanksgiving {a holiday strictly honoring food and being thankful, it doesn't get better}, and my birthday {yes! that's a holiday our household}. Since, we have such a close extended family and a toddler, we kept ourselves busy all week with various events...

My little Halloween display on the left,
and Wayne {dia de los vaquero muerto} and Gretchen {1950s housewife} on the right.
Heading out to Aunt Brittany's Halloween Party.
Aunt Emily in her D.I.Y. Wilson costume, Tom Hank's character not pictured {uncle Matt}

Our first Sonja oriented event was at Peoria Sports Complex.  The article I found online said there was a pumpkin patch {which there was not!} and other fun activities.  We only stayed about an hour but admission was free with canned food...
The Trick or Treating Stations. 
A Ladybug and her Daddy.
This was her first time, so she needed some coaching.
Husband and I got a kick out of the funeral tent, I guess a halloween event is the only place morbid enough to set up a funeral booth... 
And Fry Bread?  If only I wasn't eating healthy for baby...

On Halloween Day, I started my Homemade Cider.
Organic apple juice, cinnamon sticks, nutmeg and ground cinnamon to taste 
with an orange cut in half and cloved. 
Simmer for 4-5 hours on LOW heat.
Enjoy with caramel sauce and homemade whipped cream on top.
I also waited until the last minute to make my costume...
I just googled "fetus tee costume" and free handed this little x-ray design.
While that was drying Sonja and I got to work on our pumpkins...
Sonja's is on the right, mine is on the left.
A few Halloween details.
My less than spooky "porch" display. 
We left a bowl of candy out while we took Sonja proper trick-or-treating.
Left. Getchen: Detective Debora Morgan from Dexter, Wayne: Kid from the Bronx, 
Right Brittany: Sugar Skull paint by yours truly, Me: Skeleton Mama

You know the rules...
{Hate to cover up her adorable face, until I remember all the creeps on the internet}
Full Moon and Costume Documentation.

And that was our Halloween Week.  
Hope you had a fun one {if you celebrate} 
and enjoyed my mismatched instagram and DSLR images!!


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