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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Pregnancy Round 2 {27-30 Weeks}

Week 27 was a normal and comfortable week.  The only change I noticed was when I woke up in the middle of the night to such extreme heart burn I thought I was going to throw up.  I was able to drink some water and take some papaya enzymes and fall asleep with several pillows propping me up.  The next night I did not take my garlic supplement before bed, rather with dinner and that helped a lot.  I also took papaya every night before bed just in case.  I now take my multivitamins and supplements with food preferably with lunch if I remember so I can go to sleep with only yogurt or crackers in my stomach to fill me up, but not aggravate anything.

Week 28 was the week of Christmas and I had too many sweets.  No noticeable complications from my sugar intake, but I know growing a baby is not the best time to splurge on sweets.  I don't want baby to get a taste for too much sugar, and I don't want complications from medical issues like gestational diabetes.  So, for the holidays I didn't control myself, but am not proud of it!

Week 29 New years was busy!  I tried to give up sugar for the month of January but found myself accidentally eating it in foods like bread after about a week.  So, instead of feeling guilty about being hungry and eating sugar when it was really the only option.  I decided it would be best to avoid desserts but to not judge or stress out if I ate something out of convenience, I need to keep my blood sugar consistent for baby so if that means eating a slice of toast because that's what's available that's what I'm going to do.  

Week 30 was the week I really felt pregnant. I mean I'm getting BIG and this baby is active.  Usually kicking me on both the right and left side at the same time.  Splits?!  who knows.  Anyway, it was a rough week in terms of physical comfort.  On Tuesday night, I had really bad back pain.  I mean bad.  Like the only thing I could do was walk around to ease the pain, if I tried laying on my left {my normal good side} or at all, it was excruciating!  It started around midnight after alone time with Hubs. and by 2 am I was ready to call the midwife and ask about my options.  I only experienced back labor with Sonja and this felt A LOT like this.  It was hard to differentiate between pain and contractions since the pain kept spasming and contracting my whole body.  BUT, I'm not really at any risks for preterm labor and my midwife appt. the day before had been normal.  After taking tylenol and magnesium, I started feeling nauseous and tried getting sick.  After waking Husband up, wondering if there was a such thing as braxton hicks for back labor or if it was something else I should be worried about, he offered to rub my back as a last attempt.  He said he could feel a knot on my mid-back, and after working on it for 15-20 minutes I was finally able to sleep.  I woke up fine.  I talked to my midwife a few days later and she mentioned my lab results contained a strep culture that could have affected my kidneys and gave me some tea recommendations to help with the infection.  Also, when I asked about possible braxton hicks back labor, she said that's not likely.  {After the back rub I assumed as much.  If it was labor sensations a back rub wouldn't have calmed the sensations enough}.  Anyway, we're monitoring my health, and drinking lots of tea to keep me and baby healthy.

Thanks for following along on this pregnancy, I'll have another pregnancy post in a week or two!


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  1. I'm loving your yoga+pregnancy journals! I think you would like my yoga instructor. She teaches in Scottsdale and it's $3 per class. Such an awesome deal!

  2. You're looking really great and healthy! I hope you won't have to experience those back pains again. Thanks for posting, I can't wait to see more soon.
