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Monday, February 25, 2013

Baby No. 2 Maternity Photoshoot

I've been documenting this pregnancy relatively well with my sister and loved my bump series, but these photos were taken over the past two weeks.  I wanted a natural, desert mama vibe and thought the mountain by our home would be the best place to take such photos.  We took some during the golden hour {5-6pm ish} and some in the morning.  Some before my henna and some after.  I hope you enjoy looking at these intimate images.  All images are credited to Brittany Lind Photography and copyright Jennifer Lind Schutsky.  Please do not steal them, remove watermarks or use them without linking back to me and my blog.  It's not just illegal and rude, it's extremely disrespectful to my baby and birth.  So, please don't suck.


Thanks SO much to my sister for documenting my Pregnancy {and Henna} exactly as I wanted!

You can also follow along on TwitterPinterestFacebook, and Tumblr!

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  1. You and your family are so beautiful! I'm wishing you an ecstatic birthing journey as you bring your next amazing little one out into the world!

  2. Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)gmail.com

    1. Heather, feel free to email me any questions at DIYcupcake@yahoo.com

