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Friday, March 1, 2013

DIY Chalkboards {upcycled frames, cardboard & spray paint}

I wish I could say I found these frames at a thrift store, but after MONTHS of looking, I finally found what I wanted, at Hobby Lobby.  Thankfully, these were on sale 40% off and since they were the wrong color, I still had to upcycle them into something I wanted.
Frames total cost was about $40 and spray paint another $6. 
I did a bunch of projects all at once but you can see the frames drying.
While those were drying I used this chalkboard spray paint another $8 {I didn't even use half the can} to paint this cardboard lid.  I painted 3 coats of the chalkboard paint, allowing to dry COMPLETELY between layers. 
Once dry I cut the box down to fit the holes on the frames. I used a combination of scissors and exacto blades to get a perfect fit. 
I didn't even have to use glue they just fit from pressure.  Since these are just temporary frames for my baby sprinkle, I didn't want to make them on wood, and this way I can discard the chalkboard if I want to later and add a real painting or images to the frame guilt free. 
All done.

You can see them in use at the baby party, here.

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1 comment:

  1. Hey Jenn,

    Beautiful frames, I've been intending to embark on a similar project with the Plasti-Kote I won in the uktoolcentre.co.uk competition. Not brave enough for my frames yet, beginning with some old dining chairs that are only fit for the trash at the moment
