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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Organic Homemade Granola Bars

Here's a basic starting recipe, feel free to add more or less of any item:
2 1/2 cups Rolled Oats
1/2 Brown Rice Crispies {can find in the bulk section, like rice crispy cereal, only ingredient; brown rice}
1/2 cup Cacao Nibs {found in the raw section of the grocery store or here}
1/2 cup Coconut Sugar {optional}
pinch of salt
1/2 Organic Olive Oil or Coconut Oil
1/2 cup Coconut Butter {found in the peanut butter section}
1/2 cup Almond butter {or any nut butter}
1/2 cup organic Raw Honey 
pour of vanilla
3 tablespoons Flax Meal
1 tablespoon Chia Seeds

Combine dry ingredients {except cacao nibs} until mixed, add wet ingredients until WELL mixed and add more honey or oil until texture of mixture can be formed into balls and does not crumble. THEN add cacao nibs.

Bake at 350* F for 30 minutes. Cut and refrigerate,  Make about 20 bars.

Below is a modification of the above bars with non cane sugar cranberries {they're sweetened with apple juice} and topped with shredded coconut.  I also added way more chia seeds than the recipe above and walnuts, pecans and pumpkin seeds. Make sure to add more honey and oil when adding so many more dry ingredients.  I'm also going to add cooked quinoa to my next batch!

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