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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Almond Milk & Almond Pulp Cookie Recipes

3 cups soaked almonds {overnight, rinsed, strained} 
4 cups purified water 
Splash of vanilla

Puree. Pour through nut milk bag. Squeeze. Refrigerate. Drink.
{save the pulp in the bag for cookie recipe below}

3 cups Almond Pulp 
2 1/2 cups flour 
1 tsp salt 
1 tsp baking soda 
1 cup Organic Olive Oil 
1 cup Coconut Sugar 
1 cup Caco Nibs (sweetened) 
1/2 cup flax seed (ground)
Splash Vanilla Extract

optional additions/modifications: peanut butter, coconut butter, shredded coconut, chia seeds

Combine. Bake at 350* F for 7-10 minutes.

Happy Healthy Snacking!

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1 comment:

  1. Yummm, I'll have to try it sometime!!!!! Thanks for sharing!
    Belle la vie
