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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Recent Toddler Projects {and a few resources for more ideas}

As Sonja is getting older and Vera is getting more alert, I've noticed I've gotten lazy.  And not really lazy but like, I don't want to get up while holding Vera lazy.  So, I headed to my Early Childhood Pin Board to search for some creativity.  Here are a few projects I choose to do with my kids and how it went...

1. I had lots of boxes left over from my classroom supplies so, I'm going to make these: Life Size Numbers Inspired from Here

2.Sonja won't stop talking about bowling and while we've only gone a handful of times, I know she LOVES it, so I'm collecting water bottles to make this bowling set.  {had to request the used water bottles from family and friends since we NEVER hardly ever use them}
Bowling Inspired from Here

Husband is a spice and herb advocate, he uses a TON in each meal.  Most spices have medical benefits so I'm not complaining.  I thought this would be a good activity to help Sonja learn her spices and get her interested in being in the kitchen with Daddy {or at least get her out from under his feet while he's cooking}
Scent Cards Inspired from Here but modified and used to help with simple tasks such as cooking.
I used a clear, mostly unscented glue to create these sensory cards.
Sonja helped to pour the spices.
and these are the completed cards!

If you're looking for inspiration for homeschooling or #nonschooling ideas check out My Early Childhood Pinboard on Pinterest.

You can also follow along on TwitterPinterestFacebook, and Tumblr!

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