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Thursday, June 16, 2011

D.I.Y. Handmade Exchange Update No. 1

So, I have officially exchanged!
I sent the lovely Lael from Tattooed Momma 4 shirts (I felt bad for not having her exact style/size request in stock) in exchange for a set of vintage style napkins.

Here's what I sent:
Sorry it's blurry, shaking hands :(
available for purchase at Rename-Clothing.com

Here's what I got:
Matching cloth napkin set!

If you'd like to participate email me at DIYCupcake@yahoo.com minimum $10 value exchange.  OR conduct your own exchange with your friends and family.  Link me to it here, so I can see how this project is playing out!  Steal the button below and tell others.

Use this button if you'd like to share the idea or concept, link back here and tell me about your successes. You don't have to directly participate with me, here, to be a part of this concept.  My goal is to get the idea out about sharing handmade items or foods with your community.

Happy D.I.Y. Handmade Exchanging!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for exchanging with me! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the shirts!!! I can't wait to get my little one in the green one!!
