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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Black or White?

I was recently inspired by one of the Keep Calm and ________________ signs and thought, what do I do when I'm trying to stay calm? Go shooting!  So, here is my take on the keep calm signs.

Which one do you like more the black background or the white?  and would it be better with a Glock or is the AK appropriate?  Input??


  1. black background LOL!
    you are such an enigma diy ;-)!
    i would have never guessed!
    ps i think the AK is pretty darn sweet although i wouldn't mind seein the draft of the glock :-)

  2. Black background...white text

  3. I would prefer a glock; although, it might rub some people the wrong way with the whole Tucson thing still lurking. I say fuck it and do it anyway, though.
