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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sunflowers and Sparklers.

We had some friends over for the night, watched the fireworks from our back yard and played with sparklers. What did you do? 

A banner I made, will post the inspiration link and my modified D.I.Y. later this week.

Morning Glory Sparklers. Some sunflowers from my backyard, my guests each took a stalk home.

Patriotic Fruit Skewers

I made whipped cream to dip them in too.

Little Miss Cupcake and her Grandpa.

Fruit table.

Jess brought watermelon!


Homemade Lemon Balm tea with Lemonade.

Lemon Balm complements of the Herb Mother.

Ready to eat!

Real and Veggie Brats.

Patriotic Cakepops {video of Em dipping them}

Manual camera setting were f9 and 15-20s shutter speed for the following images


Hope everyone had a happy and safe fourth.


  1. What fun!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the banner! How cool is that?! The fruit skewers were so cute and who doesn't love sunflowers?! Was the mac n cheese recipe from deceitfully delicious?? Also- I adore the cupcake sparkler...it TOTALLY looks like one!!! Glad your Holiday weekend was good!!!

  2. The recipe was a martha stewart one, but I couldn't find the exact one, it is butternut squash, cheddar cheese and elbow noodles. SO GOOD!

  3. A tip for the sparkler photos: If possible, you could also set your camera to the "B" setting, Stands for "Bulb." This allows your shutter to be open for as long as you are holding the button. You would also want to set your f/stop to the smallest opening your camera has.
