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Monday, August 1, 2011

Momma Monday No. 49

Two under Two.

This past week I helped a friend with her little boy.  He starts a new school next week and she wasn't loving his pre-school situation and I offered to watch him in the mean time.

He is 18 months.

I found out I was pregnant the night after meeting him, while they were still at the hospital.  Sonja and him are almost exactly 8 months apart (January 23rd and September 24th)

I offered to watch him with the intention of getting my sister-in-law a little extra cash, while helping out a friend and letting Cupcake get some play time in.  What ended up happening was another story.  My SIL forgot that she was going to be spending the week in California and I wound up watching him with limited help from my other family members.  His mama also brought him to day care twice that week, so I really only watched him two days instead of 5.

I learned several valuable lessons this week.
1. I could have two kids under two, but I wouldn't be able to do ANYTHING else.  I would be tired, hungry, and selfless all the time.  I'm not sure I'd have the energy to smile if it was everyday all day.
2. When a kid has green boogers and a cough, it's not allergies, it's a cold.  We're working on recovering from the new germ interaction.
3. Babies and Toddlers are the best entertainment.  They literally ran around my house screaming and squeaking at each other.  I took a video and am working on extracting the sound so you can hear it.
4. Naps are necessary, not only for kids but for Mommies too.
5. If you give one kids something to eat, you sure as shit better have something else or the same ready to give the other.  When Sonja was breastfeeding T. was interested in eating also.  So, I'd have to give him crackers.  When he was eating Sonja would try to take it from him.  So, I had to make sure what he was eating was okay for her too.
6. Sign language is a life saver.  Whenever the little boy would get fussy he'd sign to me what he wanted, "please", "more", and "food".  It seriously made everything so much easier.  I'm glad we're starting Sonja with sign language now!
7. Babysitting is nothing like the real thing.  If both of these kids were mine, I'd be breastfeeding both of them, which would make napping, cuddling and feeding so much easier.  I'd also naturally have them further apart,  I am just now able to conceive so they's be at least 18 months apart instead of 8.  Which of course would be a lot different.

In conclusion, I'm not ready to adopt {or conceive-if ever} anytime soon.  I know lots of people recommend having them 2 ish years apart but that wouldn't work for us.  I like my time with just Sonja for now, it's so easy compared to having them both.  I think I'll keep it that way, at least for a little while.  And when I really REALLY miss the baby stage, then maybe we'll consider adopting a second.

Until then, it's just me and Cupcake {and daddy too}.

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