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Friday, September 2, 2011

Kale Lemon Quinoa

My friend Katie whipped up something like this {or exactly like this} on a play date with our babes, I attempted to recreate it and I have to say, it's good.

Here's what you'll need:
Yellow Squash
2 lemons
Measuring Cup
2 cups uncooked Quinoa
Feta Cheese Crumbles {if not vegan}
not pictured:
salt and pepper {to taste}
oil for cooking

Start quinoa right away, cook to directions on box {or 2 cups water to 1 cup quinoa}

First, cut the squash long ways, in half and again a few times.

Now, long ways again, this time vertically...

Finally, cube the squash.

Add to preheated skillet with oil.

Shred, tear, chop the kale and add it to the skillet.
add any extra seasonings you might like now.

Cut open lemons to squeeze on top.
Notice the seeds?!  we only eat fruits and veggies with seeds in my house.  
No seeds? Not food.

Plate quinoa, top with skillet mixture and salt and pepper to taste.
Squeeze lemon on top.
Vegan Finished Version above.

If Vegetarian, do above steps, then add Feta Crumbles.

So, good. Either way.


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