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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Testing Out Master Bedroom Paints...

Okay, so when we moved into this house, I made a rookie mistake. I painted every wall... WITHOUT TESTING THE COLORS! Now, I have to say I did a pretty damn good job with the front rooms and spare rooms of the house, maybe I was lucky, maybe I had more inspiration photos but in any case, the master bed and bath did not get lucky.  They got gross.

I wanted a room that was earthy, greens and browns, more so that hubs wouldn't have to have a purple bedroom, even though that's more what I wanted.  I just didn't think it should be so feminine.  But since I was working outside of my comfort zone without a lot of inspiration, besides our bed spread, it just didn't turn out all that well.

Here are some befores and afters
What the room looked like when we moved in.

What it looked like after painting it.

What the room looked like when we moved in.
That's wall paper my mom is helping remove in the photo below...


What it looked like after painting it.

and now, as you may have seen in the previous post (scroll down) we've agreed a  Moroccan theme/style room is just what we want.  Since we're co-sleeping with Cupcake, our mattress is lower to the ground which looks really nice with this style, also I plan on adding a lot of curtains for the window, bathroom doorway, and closet which will also be great way to incorporate texture into the design.

ANYWAY, back to the title of this post... I tested the new colors out today and would like a little input.  The purples are slightly different and I would like to know which one you all like more.  My preference is the one on the right (slightly more purple tint to it) but I'm open to input.  Also, I'm trying to decide if every wall should be dark or just two of them one purple, one red, two white-ish.  I think all dark looks like my inspiration photos {again, below} but not sure how it will look in our small space, our room  is about 11ftx11ft.
Current brown wall.
left: Fig, right: Plum 

white trim over the current brown.

Current green wall.
fig is on the left and plum is on the right
the red is a for sure.
the white is in the middle it's called ivory lace... not sure I love it.

What do you think?
Left or Right??

It's a small difference, but it's there.

This is the best color variation of the two.

So vote on the tool bar and or leave a comment.
Left or Right?!


  1. I like the fig. It will not show little daughter finger prints as well and if it fades, it won't be obnoxious.

  2. Love the color combos you went with! The after looks great. Its so awesome how a little paint can completely change the vibe of a room

    P.S I am having an awesome (in my opinion ha) giveaway on my blog tomorrow would love if you stopped by!

  3. Right! I like the deeper purple.

    I vote for 1 purple and red wall and the other two a white of some sort. Accent photos/pictures on the white wall with the purple and red colors to bring it all together.
