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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My Memories Suite Review and GIVEAWAY No. 7!

Recently, I was asked to review a great product, My memories Suite!  Its a digital scrap book you download and import your photos into, you can check out their blog here.  It's been really fun playing with all of our Holiday and Vacation photos, like this one {edited for the blog}...

Things I Love:
Very user friendly.
Includes rulers for those who want everything perfectly spaced out.
Lots of Free upgrade options.
The program includes SPELL CHECK!
Free pre-designed layout options {along with a build your own layout option}.
Lots of fun backgrounds {The New Orleans paper selection is my favorite}.
Fun things like word art designer, embellishments, and imprints.
The calendar feature, you can turn your images into your own digital or print calendar!
You can import music and videos.
You can print from home {or use the professional service}.
You can export each page as a .jpg {like I did for the above image}
You can save the album as a digital medium, like slideshow or movie.

Things I Don't:
You need internet to access everything, so it can be frustrating when traveling.

How you can win it:
1. Go to mymemories.com and leave a comment below, telling me what template you'd like to use for your photos, INCLUDE email or contact info!
2. Like My Memories Suites on Facebook, tell me you did so in another comment here, INCLUDE email or contact info!
3. Follow D.I.Y. Cupcake for a third entry, leave ANOTHER comment with your name and  INCLUDE your email or contact info.

Giveaway will end January 3rd at midnight, the winner will be announced on D.I.Y. Cupcake on January 4th using random.org!

And if you can't wait to win, here is a discount code for $10 off the purchase of the software program and a $10 coupon for the mymemories.com store {saving all my reader's $20 thanks to My Memories Suites} STMMMS44356



  1. I think I would use the antique rose!


  2. I liked My Memories Suites on facebook! :)


  3. Top teo favorite I think would be "Summer Adventures" and "Uptown Manhattan" :)

