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Monday, February 20, 2012

Anti-Candida Diet {weeks 5 & 6}

This diet was supposed to go for a month but I needed to go a bit longer since I was still having symptoms well into the second week.  I think I'm clear now but I am finishing week 6 out and then splurging this Friday.  I really need some home made mac and cheese and then after that I'll probably continue on as best I can with the next major events coming up; friends visiting, wedding, vacation, and more.

I'm feeling really good, like really good.  Alert, focused, and energized.  The no sugar thing is really working.  I do miss my fruit though, and I think I can eat that in moderation and be happy.  I do miss cupcakes and frosting and those I can save for birthdays, so I don't plan on really stopping the diet, just modifying it so we're not spending tons of money on fancy gluten free items and other diet specific foods.

New favorite; spaghetti squash with kale

quinoa, rice and coconut flour quiche crust

Mexican "rice" bowl

Those chips are AMAZING and totally friendly to gluten free and vegans alike.

fancy stir fry photo

Zucchini dipped in egg and brown rice flour and baked...

and dipped into home made spaghetti sauce.

Homemade Salsa

and the produce for this up and coming week!

Here's the meal plan from last week:
Egg, quinoa, approved veggie stir fry
Pizza with quinoa crust and home made sauce, veggies on top and fresh mozzarella
Valentine's Day Dinner at True Food
Quiche with quinoa crust and mixed veggies, organic eggs and feta cheese
Gluten free spaghetti with homemade sauce and cauliflower on the side
Spaghetti squash with kale and walnuts
and I'm missing a day but don't remember what I ate...

and here's what I'm going to eat this week:
Egg and quinoa Mexican food bowl {beans, quinoa, salsa, topped with feta}
Stir Fry
Baked eggplant with fettuccine and butter sauce
Quiche with quinoa crust, swiss chard and broccoli topped with feta
Martha Stewart's lentil cakes
Spaghetti Squash with kale

and then back to more repeats and same old diet, but I really really miss my cheese :)

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