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Friday, February 17, 2012

D.I.Y. Egg Shell Entertainment

Today, Little Miss Cupcake and I took a moment to explore some egg shells.  I found this recently and pinned it because I knew she'd love to explore egg shells.  We headed outback and played for almost an hour with the shells exploring them and talking about them.  I used it as an opportunity to teach a lesson in my non-schooling (different than unschooling and better than home schooling) style. We explored the egg shells and then we collaged them onto a piece of scrap paper to frame for later.

New Vocabulary:
Egg Shells- she repeated and explored the shells
Chickens- she know what chickens are and was interested to know that eggs come from chickens (our eggs come from happy chickens, from a local farm) and that baby chickens grow in eggs and then hatch.
Hard- she repeated this word and felt the meaning
Big Bowl- when I told her there was a big bowl for the eggs she repeated big bowl over and over.
Small Bowl- she learned the difference between big and small and how many eggs could fit in each.
Crush, break, crack, crunch- she repeated these words and then demonstrated the actions.

Happy Non-Schooling and Learning at Home!

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