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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Spring 2012 Garden Update no. 3

I'm excited to say that we have leeks {top} and swiss chard {bottom} coming in now as well!!

I think there are a few more but it's hard to tell if its weeds or the actual plant, Onions are looking like they're coming in and I think lemon balm or cilantro is popping up too {I forgot to label them. opps}

I'm still waiting on tomatoes, tomatillos, watermelon and cantaloupe.  We'll see if they pop up in the next few weeks. If not, I'll plant something else there, when I do my second set.

Happy Gardening!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh leeks, how exciting! I love leek soup. Ahhh, so much fun to grow veggies in your garden. Good job! :)
