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Sunday, March 11, 2012

{W&G Wedding} Bachelorette Parties, What's Great And What's Not...

My future sister-in-law's Bachelorette Party was last week, exactly 7 days before the big day!

I thought, I would take a moment and share some photos; but also talk about what is really great about Bachelorette parties and what's not.

What's Great:
Free Food
Free Drinks
Getting Dressed Up
Hanging Out with Ladies
Word Games {fill in the blanks}
Bride-to-be Challenges {making the bride work hard for prizes, ask my friends about these}

What's Not:
Penis Shaped Anythings
Forced/Boring "Games"

Please, feel free to add to either list by leaving comments below. I'd hate for a future Bachelorette party planner to stumble across this blog and do something not awesome because she didn't know any better!

and now for the photos...
One of the few games was also part of the decor.  Images of over exercised men were all over the walls and it was our job to fill out word bubbles and add to the photos... 
Gross, I know, but it did allow for some interesting conversations. 
The non-alcohol selection. 
The "Sexy Little Bride" to be and her salads. 
So good. 
The chef was hired to teach our bride to be, here, how to make a meal. 
She doesn't know how to cook, but look at her flipping that chicken!
That liquor wasn't just for drinking! 
Look at this lovely vintage silverware, it used to be her grandmothers {I think} 
My Vegetarian plate. 
Pasta with herbs and swiss chard sauteed with onions and cranberries.
What everyone else ate. 
One of the bride's guests and her amazing wedding ring.
I probably should have taken a photo of the bride to be's also... 
Sisters of the bride to be. 
and my sisters in law! 
Here are the word games, sorry for the vulgar language... but I guess that's the point.
and an image from my instragr.am:
Wine+blood orange soda+organic strawberries=best drink!

And that was the bachelorette party.  Lots of fun and there's more to come.  I'll be posting something wedding related for the next 4 or 5 days!

Happy Bachelorette Party Planning!

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, I really hate penis-shaped things at bachelorette parties. It's very overplayed and uncomfortable. I much more desire the girls night to sort of cut into the wedding jitters.
