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Friday, February 15, 2013

Functional Friday no. 34 {Thieves Oil}

Last week we were supposed to go on a date, and Husband's dad was going to babysit.  However, when I noticed Sonja had a slight fever I decided we shouldn't leave her and instead brought her with us.  Before we left she kept trying to go to the bathroom but nothing came out, so we left, but I had a hunch something wasn't right.  I brought a bag in the car with us, just in case.

When we got to the restaurant we thought we'd be able to eat, since she was acting fine. But as soon as we sat down, I noticed some drool and as she started to cough, I was already rushing her to the bathroom.  She threw up in my hand and then into the toilet.  After she was done, I asked her if she wanted to go home and she said, "No, I want to stay here a while and eat."  We decided to order our food to-go and Husband waited outside with her while the food was being prepared.

All this stressed me out, because I was scared we were all going to get the flu or something awful.  So, I texted my midwife to see if there was anything else I could be doing to avoid vomiting.  I did NOT want to throw up at 34 weeks!  I already take probiotics, garlic and drank some apple cider vinegar {diluted with water}.  She texted back "thieves oil" but I wasn't sure what that was or how to use it...

When I googled Thieves Oil, I found this post on making Thieves Oil and what to use it for.

I rushed to Sprouts to pick some up, but they didn't have any. Luckily, I had the recipe on my iphone and was able to grab all the essential oils listed.  When I got home with the ingredients, Sonja's fever was gone and she was playing like normal.

Thank goddess I was just being dramatic, and we didn't NEED the oil, but I've been adding drops to our feet before we go places with germs like the gym, children's museum or park.  And it's not just for the body, it's also super great for cleaning with!  Simply dilute the oil and clean surfaces like normal to kill all the germs!

Hope you find it just as helpful in preventing illness as we do!

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