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Monday, February 11, 2013

Pregnancy Round 2 {weeks 33 & 34}

This Pain in Labor article/post was a great read for week 33.  It reminded me of the sensation of pain, why it's happening, how to handle it.  I'm also trying to remember why I want a natural birth. C-sections sound so easy, walk in, cut open, remove.  But, I know there are so many more risks to that type of birth.  I know my body can do this, not only because it's done it before, but because this is what it was designed to do.

I've been mostly comfortable this week, feeling bigger and bigger obviously.  I'm also noticing that I feel lightheaded, dizzy and faint after I eat breakfast.  I opted out of the glucose test this time around, but now I'm curious if I've got a blood sugar issue going on.  Planning on talking with the midwife about it this week.

I'm running out of clothes, just in time for my sweet friend Jessica to pass on a few maternity outfits she's no longer using.  I've documented my recent outfits in a up and coming post for you all so you can plan a minimalist maternity wardrobe if you're into that sort of thing.

34 weeks was a rough week.  Saturday, was uncomfortable and frustating, I found myself in the shower trying to de-stress, crying.  Husband came in to check on me, and I told him I was done.  I was so sick of being uncomfortable.  He was sweet and told me I was doing a great job.  I went to bed and woke up for yoga Sunday morning.  Even though I ended up in child's pose more than I'd like, I felt rejuvinated and accepting.  I was ready for a few more weeks with a positive attitude.  Monday, we headed to Husband's work to get lunch.  He offered to keep Sonja at his office so I could go home and get a break, run errands and take care of any nesting I'd needed to do.  It was great, I went grocery shopping by myself and did laundry.  I decided I should take the opportunity to work out.  I headed to the gym and got a short but sweet workout in.  On my way home, is when the week got rough.

I was in a car accident {don't want to share the details as we're still trying to deal with the insurance company}.  I immediately called my husband, while on lookers called 911.  I also called my midwife; baby was moving, so I thought that was good.  She arrived on the scene before police.  She checked my blood pressure and heart rate.  Did a dopler scan of the baby on the street corner and confirmed heart rate was okay, but we needed to go to the hospital for an ultrasound to make sure the placenta hadn't shifted or detached and to monitor the contractions I was having.

I was so upset.  I didn't want an ultrasound at all this pregnancy and here I was just 6 short weeks of my due date and now being forced {for medical purposes} to get one.  I joked with Husband about having someone look while they did the scan, to see the gender, but we both decided we still did not want to know.  Neither of us actually looked at the screen while it was happening.  So, we still have no idea what this baby looks like.  The good news was the placenta was still in place, calming myself and our midwife.

They did try to stop my contractions with Terbutaline, which we immediately declined.  One side effect is death, and the R.N. said if I was going to go into active labor it would not be able to prevent it.  The contractions would push through.  So, not worth the risk for us, at all.  They offered this and an I.V. to slow contractions.  I consented to an I.V. even though I can not explain how much I did not want one.  I've never been to a hospital, and I was not happy about this at. all.  While there, I ate a small snack {I always carry something in my purse}, and some water.  My midwife also brought some herbs to help me relax.  Once she was there and I had the tea in my system, the contractions calmed down.  I had to stay for another hour and a half though, to meet the hospitals 4 hour monitor policy.  Once they slowed down to 30 seconds 9 minutes apart, and we completed the four hours, I was allowed to go home.

I still had to monitor the contractions from home, and have been having them daily since the accident.

Dealing with some insurance issues now, which are actually stressing me out quite a bit, and triggering contraction.  So, I'm letting Husband and a lawyer sort it all out.

Since, it was a close call with the preterm labor I decided I should have my sister take my maternity photos this week, just in case.  I wanted something earthy and deserty, which I'll be sharing closer to my due date.

We're hopeful these next few weeks will be smooth, but the risk for preterm labor is still very real and scary.  The State of Arizona says Midwives are allowed to attend home births at 36+ weeks, so I'm hoping I can make it that far, but of course, 40 weeks is ideal!  Lungs are the last thing to develop and I want my baby's lungs completely formed before he or she decides to exit!

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