I was reading bleubirdvintage's blog (thanks Janay for the great suggested blog reading!) and she recently did a post on her daily activities. Although, her's was a bit more glamorous, I thought I'd share what my day looks like.
3:12 am
Wake up to Sonja kicking me or sucking on my arm. Pick her up, bring her into her room, and change her diaper. Go back to bed and feed her. When she falls back asleep, lay her down in the middle of our bed. A dim flashlight has become my best friend!
4:16 am
Fall back asleep.
6:27 am
Wake up to Sonja again. Change her. Feed her. Try to go back to sleep around 7am.
9:30 am
Wake up, for the day. Change Sonja, and put on her outfit for the day. Feed Her. Go to the kitchen and lay her in her bassinet. Which is a hand-me-down, from my nephews, but, I think it looks like Cinderella's gown so it's girly enough for me.
Eat breakfast. Cereal, it's my favorite.

10:00 am
10:48 am
Fold the laundry. Put away the folded laundry.
11:27 am
Sonja is usually fussing by now, so I'm wearing her and watering our plants out front and our herb and vegetable garden.
Get dressed for work and we go get coffee.
12:30 pm
Get home from picking up coffee and get together my teaching materials for the day.
12:45 pm
Change Sonja's diaper and feed her before teaching.
12:58 pm
Eat lunch.
1:45 pm
Teach Art Class.
3:30 pm
Change and feed Sonja (I told you she LOVES this black stripe, she stares at it the whole time!)
4:03 pm
Clean something. Some days I clean the bathroom, other times I sweep, sometimes I take out the recycling. But, I try really hard to clean something or do something to benefit the house during this time all while wearing Sonja... (I blurred her face so Husband doesn't divorce me for posting pictures of his daughter online)
4:35 pm
Second round of internet. Usually around this time, I check for art assignments and examples. I check my tumblr to see what everyone else is doing today (and my facebook) I might watch a tv show or something online... usually I'm waiting for Husband to get home. Or I take a little nap if possible (which is rare). Again, this is all while holding Sonja.
5:07 pm
Husband gets home. We hang out as a family for a bit, or I let him bond with his daughter while I do everything I couldn't do while holding her.
6:00 pm
Husband starts dinner and I hold Sonja and we talk while he cooks. Sometimes, if she's sleeping, I can lay her down in her bassinet (located in the living room) and help him make dinner.
7:26 pm
Dinner is ready and we eat! Plantain Hush Puppies and Asparagus side (Click here for recipes)
8:10 pm
I take a shower while Husband watches Sonja
8:23 pm
I feed Sonja
8:39 pm
I brush my teeth
8:43 pm
We lay down in bed to watch a netflix.
10:15 pm
Sonja gets her diaper changed, hopefully for the last time of the night. And she eats.
11:22 pm
I finally fall asleep. Trying to prepare to do the whole thing over again the next day.
And that's my life right now, well at least my weekdays.
Happy Thursday!
Did I leave something out Moms? or does this sound like your day too? Any suggestions on how I can do more stuff around the house, or parenting tips?? leave a comment below.
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