Love holding this little girl's hand.
On Monday I received two packages with new shirts, one was a gift and 2 were purchased on gift cards. It was a nice little surprise for an otherwise simple day. The gift was a cute little blue shirt with a bird and bike on it. Size Large. Can't believe these boobs make me fit into large shirts. But they do, and I don't mind a label, I'm just surprised I guess. Today we practiced some tummy time and if you know my shutterfly site and password you can see the uber cute photos I took of Cupcake today. In the evening, I left SLC at home when I went to the store to pick up some last minute groceries and some much needed Kombucha (thanks Alex for reminding me of the delicious elixir). She was wonderful with her daddy, apparently she spend the whole time talking to him while he laid in bed watching a documentary. When I got home, Husband made veggie tacos for dinner and we enjoyed a little tequila with the comida. And really I mean a little! I enjoy the taste of alcohol, but obviously I'm not drinking much since I'm breastfeeding and what not. Not that I really drank that much before baby, but I do enjoy a drink here and there.
Raging so hard, she's losing booties!
Wednesday, my sister and I brought our dad cupcakes for his birthday (real ones) and "Cupcake" joined us. I love that family is close and she has a good relationship with her family at such a young age. After going to see my dad, my sister joined us for dinner. After dinner, Husband and I enjoyed a movie and Sonja slept. It's nice that every once and a while we get some time together, rare but it does happen and we are thankful for that. At some point in the evening, I think right before getting Sonja into her pajamas, Husband showed her her feet. She was like, "oh, have those been there the whole time?" and grabbed at them.
Thursday I woke up with the cold everyone had been getting, and I had been doing so well at avoiding. I didn't feel too bad and I taught my class and came home to a semi-fussy baby. No breaks for a sick mama. That evening we went to dinner for my Uncle-in-law's birthday. Sonja is so great at restaurants. She only fusses when she's hungry and of course I feed her. I do hate taking her to the bathroom and changing her diapers at restaurants though. They always have the worst changing table set ups, and I have to leave her clothes and diaper bag at the table while I take her into a stall to go to the bathroom. My favorite bathrooms in the Phoenix area are at Bookman's on 19th avenue and Northern, and the family bathrooms at Paradise Valley Mall.
Husband and I showed her, her feet this week and
I got her to stick her big toe in her mouth. I LOVE when babies do that!
Why is it that I can't get a healthy Friday?! It's my full day with her and I would love to be healthy and attentive but for the past few weeks it seems I'm sick or have a headache. On a happier note, Sonja did surprise me this morning when I went to get my water and tea and when I came back out to the living room, she was still on her blanket on the rug only she was no longer facing up, but on her tummy! She hates tummy time and I was shocked to see she rolled herself over on such a hard surface. I mean she does it all the time on the bed, but that's a super soft surface and it sinks in when you lay on it. So, I'm counting today as the first time she rolled over (it was unassisted and unsupervised).
here she is with our vicious (sarcasm!) pitbull
Saturday I woke up, remembering the dream I had during the night. I dreamed I was pregnant but didn't know it, I thought I was just missing my period because I was breastfeeding and my tummy was big because I hadn't lost all my pregnancy weight. It was February and I gave birth at home, again, but this time unassisted, because we weren't expecting it. In my dream the baby came out perfect and healthy, another girl. The weird thing was I did the math in my dream and I was only 5 months pregnant when I gave birth... but all was well. Weird right? I'm not planning on making any more babies myself. Although, I would like to adopt a few more. I love that as a woman I can make a person, but this world is so over populated with awful parents making too many kids. So, my thought is I'll take one of those, instead of doing the whole nine months of heartburn thing again. Plus, the whole point of getting pregnant is having the baby, but if I can have the baby without the pregnancy I'm all for it. Once was enough for me.
Oh at 1:48pm on Saturday, while I was working on this blog, Sonja rolled over from her tummy to back. So it begins. I thought that wasn't supposed to happen for a while still. I guess she's mobile now...
Sunday was another rough day for me, not only did I have the cold I was avoiding but also another headache. Headaches wreck me. Worst than Labor for sure! I hate them, and they hate me. Husband helped out a little, but I wasn't able to really rest. I had some house work that needed to be done, so I did it. I swept and Mopped and did some laundry. I can't believe how much laundry her tiny clothes make, but I'm a folding machine. It reminds me of my days working retail. I'm not really complaining, just thinking out loud about all the house work I want to do. But, I can't seem to pull myself away from this little beauty to do it. Does that make me lazy? A little, I'm sure. It will wait for me, there's no rush, she is growing every moment and I don't want to miss a thing. So, my house being a little dirty? Doesn't bother me so much when I'm wrapped up in her smile.
p.s. if you noticed all my photos in this post, it's because I'm making a serious effort to take more pictures, AND Megan of Meganislove told me about her uber cute phone photo editing app. I love it!

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