We did A LOT this week and here it is in review:
Sonja Sleeping on Daddy
Sonja playing with Brutus
The craft stash, and a sneaky baby hand.
Tuesday was not my morning! I took Sonja Sweetness to the bathroom like 5 times, she peed but no poop... I knew there was one coming but I set her down to fold laundry since I had JUST taken her, and sure enough, as soon as I set her down I heard it. Ugh, so annoying. After changing her diaper I proceeded to fold laundry (it seems never ending!) and then wore Sonja out front to de-weed the yard. I did about half of it before she started throwing her hat off and fussing. We came inside to watch a movie, but the remote was shredded. Some people [Husband] never learn...
After the dramarama of the morning I taught my class and come home to an empty house. I hate when Husband runs errands right before I get home! My boobs were filling up quickly since that is normally her meal time. He showed up about 20 minutes after I got home, she apparently slept the whole time and ate when she woke up. She's been on an interesting sleep schedule, and that evening slept while I crafted my outlet covers.
On Wednesday, Cupcake must have woken up extra early because by the time I had done my morning routine; potty, breakfast, fold laundry, put away dishes, and the such, she was starting to get fussy. So, I picked her up from rolling around and took her to the bedroom, took her potty and noticed my clock: 9:36am. That's what time we normally wake up at! So, we read some stories and kept ourselves entertained until around 11:30am when I headed over to meet Shell (our midwife) so she could teach me how to crochet! I showed up to the lovely ladies who cared for me and educated me throughout my entire pregnancy. Such a sweet bunch. After a little chit chatting, Shell started showing me how to crochet while her student/assistant entertained Sonja. Crocheting should be called chain-ing (which I'm sure it translated to in some languages) because that's all it is, a series of intricate chains. Of course, being the perfectionist I am I tried to master it right away, but my washcloth is turning more into a triangle than a square... the whole turning around loop is throwing me off.
Anyway, after crochet lessons another Mama showed up to drop off some goodies and I ended up joining her for a Mommy date at a local restaurant. Speaking of which, I accidently ate some chicken. I thought the soup they served was egg drop but the other Mama quickly pointed out that it was in fact tiny shreds of chicken mixed in the soup as well. Opps. I've been vegetarian for over 5 years now, I had forgotten the texture of real chicken. Oh well.
After lunch was teaching time and then cuddle time. I love when I get home and Sonja-Cake sleeps on my chest. She is just so adorable and wonderful and I love her to pieces. I just want to squeeze her! I know you Mamas out there know what I mean.
Wednesday night, I came home from ceramics to this:
She was taking a bottle! as much as I hate bottles, I hate coming home to an angry, hungry, crying baby way more. When I have to leave to do something I want to know she's not starving. Of course, once I was there though I gave her the real thing.Thursday, I went on a thrifting mission to find 16 picture frames for my art students and Cupcake joined me.
I wish I would have bought this globe as well though...
Thursday night we went to our friend Aaron's art opening. Click here to see his work on his tumblr. I loved his finished pieces. They were extremely intricate and detailed, something I just don't have the patience to do. Anyway, Sonja loves looking at artwork! This isn't his piece, but I really liked the background on it. The thing I love most about art openings is the food, I mean I LOVE the art, but I like it more with a full tummy, the gallery next door has some sushi and sake which I enjoyed some before Husband drove us home.
After the lecture we came home and both napped for a few hours, which would have been awesome if my headache hadn't gotten worse while I slept. My friend, Vanessa (Sweet Mannered), was in Phoenix for one night only, selling baked goods. And if you've ever tasted one of her cookies you know how bummed I was when I wasn't able to go. I didn't even get to eat my awesome quenoa panini from whole foods. I just can't get over the fact that I've been sacrificing coffee for the past month and a half and this is my 3rd headache if you count the withdraw headache.
Saturday, Husband went on a backpacking trip with his friends, leaving me alone with baby for the first time since I was pregnant. AND my parents were out of town in TX for a wedding. Luckily, my B-I-L stuck around so I had some support. I am so thankful for the family in my life! Also, my mother-in-law stopped by on Saturday to see Cupcake. She lives out of town, so even though she checks out this blog, she was shocked to see how big Sonja-Cake really was. Thank God, I felt better on Saturday, otherwise husband would never hear the end of it. Oh and since the headaches didn't stay away from the coffee fast I decided it wasn't worth the sacrifice and got a long lost Velvet from Lux with their delicious whipped cream and I didn't feel one bit of guilt.
Sunday was a LONG day, Husband called around 1 to say he'd be home soon, but didn't show up until after 3:30. Needless to say, I was thoroughly exhausted. I didn't sweep, mop or do any housework. Every time I'd set Cupcake down she'd start to cry. Even when she naps, if I lay her down she wakes up and screams until I hold her. I love her and I don't mind this EXCEPT when I'm playing single parent. The only difference is, real single parents get a break when they're at work (yeah, I consider work a break, I do both and my work time is definitely easier than my mommy time!). This weekend, I had no break, just some family help (which I'm very thankful for). I have no idea how military wives (or husbands) do the whole deployment thing. I need to shower, eat, pee you know? At least, I did the daily laundry! I was also able to craft on the living room floor while Sonja did naked time. Get excited for some crafting posts and some new items on my etsy listing! Notice how my Sunday didn't include the superbowl? That's because I hate football. HATE.
Anyway, Happy Momma Monday!
p.s. please keep voting. All it takes it 2 clicks, I'm 2 listings away from being on page 5!
Anyway, Happy Momma Monday!
p.s. please keep voting. All it takes it 2 clicks, I'm 2 listings away from being on page 5!

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