Here's my weekly reflection. Hope you enjoy my weekly round up of links, life events and lovely moments.
Monday, I ventured into a new realm of doing this myself, sort of. I went to get my tires rotated BY MYSELF. As in Me and Sonja together, dropping off the car without someone to pick us up and keep us busy. I decided to grab her stroller before abandoning the car (as much as love wearing my daughter 101 degrees is not the time to do it). We walked maybe 4 minutes to the Cost Plus, World Market and proceeded to spend our time there. I bought some cute cupcake accessories in preparation for her 1st birthday and a few other miscellaneous items like a beach umbrella {for later in the week!}. We dropped her little bunny and the clerk ran after us across the street to give it back to us! How's that for customer service?! Anyway, after feeling accomplished we headed home, but while turning; I spilled my iced coffee all over the car :( I wasn't driving crazy or anything, I just thought I had placed it in a cup holder. But, in a rush to breastfeed a hot baby I had only placed it on the seat next to me. Fail.
Tuesday was Husband's and Mine's 3 year anniversary. Did you catch the post about our wedding here?
And while we had a special evening planned, I spent the morning at an Herb Mama class hosted at Midwives Rising. After the AMAZING class, I headed home, took a nap with Sonja and got ready for our date. We went to Postino for dinner and drinks. It was SO good.
I had 2 belinis, and was feeling lovely by the end of the night. My wonderful Sister in law watched Cupcake and was quick to tell me she slept most of the time and hardly cried.
After sleeping way in on Wednesday, Cupcake and I headed to Midwives Rising to hang out with some mamas and babies. We stayed there for a while before meeting up with my sister. I needed to get some last minute items for our vacay and headed to Lush for some massage bars and conditioner. And we got some lunch, little Miss Sonja tried to drink my water through a straw but ended up spitting all the water out once it was in her mouth. We also stopped in at anthropologie and my sister picked up the quilt I'd been eyeing for months now.
Friday we adventured into the unknown world of Traveling with a Baby! It was our first road trip drive with Cupcake. I thought we were leaving at 4am but Husband had other plans and set his alarm for 5am. We finally left at 6am and Sonja woke up when I put her in her car seat. So, we drove for a while before she got fussy and I nursed her quite a bit in her seat. Finally, she fell asleep and we drove until Gila Bend. We got gas and she woke up. We did a quick diaper change and popped her back in the seat. She was chill and so her daddy sat in the back with her while I gave him a driving break. Once we got toYuma , we stopped at Cracker Barrel and got a simple breakfast. We hung out for a bit after we ate to give the Little Miss a break from the car. Then I fed her and put her back in, we were able to drive for another 3 hours with her asleep! It was a much better drive than I expected. We got in around 11 and met up with family.
Images from Sunday and more above.
p.s. please. vote for us. 2 clicks is all it takes. click the banner below and then the owl on the left. thanks!Monday, I ventured into a new realm of doing this myself, sort of. I went to get my tires rotated BY MYSELF. As in Me and Sonja together, dropping off the car without someone to pick us up and keep us busy. I decided to grab her stroller before abandoning the car (as much as love wearing my daughter 101 degrees is not the time to do it). We walked maybe 4 minutes to the Cost Plus, World Market and proceeded to spend our time there. I bought some cute cupcake accessories in preparation for her 1st birthday and a few other miscellaneous items like a beach umbrella {for later in the week!}. We dropped her little bunny and the clerk ran after us across the street to give it back to us! How's that for customer service?! Anyway, after feeling accomplished we headed home, but while turning; I spilled my iced coffee all over the car :( I wasn't driving crazy or anything, I just thought I had placed it in a cup holder. But, in a rush to breastfeed a hot baby I had only placed it on the seat next to me. Fail.
Tuesday was Husband's and Mine's 3 year anniversary. Did you catch the post about our wedding here?
And while we had a special evening planned, I spent the morning at an Herb Mama class hosted at Midwives Rising. After the AMAZING class, I headed home, took a nap with Sonja and got ready for our date. We went to Postino for dinner and drinks. It was SO good.
Husband can't work my camera phone.
So I look like an idiot in ALL my photos...
on the patio.
I had 2 belinis, and was feeling lovely by the end of the night. My wonderful Sister in law watched Cupcake and was quick to tell me she slept most of the time and hardly cried.
Beautiful huh?
too bad it doesn't match my bedroom color scheme.
My sisters and mother had a ladies night planned for Thursday. We headed to Buca de Beppo for our Mother/Sisters Date night.Friday we adventured into the unknown world of Traveling with a Baby! It was our first road trip drive with Cupcake. I thought we were leaving at 4am but Husband had other plans and set his alarm for 5am. We finally left at 6am and Sonja woke up when I put her in her car seat. So, we drove for a while before she got fussy and I nursed her quite a bit in her seat. Finally, she fell asleep and we drove until Gila Bend. We got gas and she woke up. We did a quick diaper change and popped her back in the seat. She was chill and so her daddy sat in the back with her while I gave him a driving break. Once we got to
We went to a nice little bakery Baked.
These cinnamon rolls were to die for!
After our snacks we headed to the beach with Cupcake. It was her first time at the Ocean and she was NOT excited about it. For as much as she loves nature she HATES water. She did warm up to it but preferred that I held her.
My parents were in SD also, so we met them for dinner at PF Changs. I would have loved to go to a local restaurant as opposed to a chain, but all the good places were too far away from our hotel and I didn’t want to force Little Miss to sit in her car seat any longer than absolutely necessary. I enjoyed some Vegetarian Dumplings pan seared and some Vegetarian Lettuce Wraps along with a Lucky Cat Martini.
Saturday was an awkward transition since we were relocating to a beach house with my sister and her family. We had to check out at noon but then didn't have anywhere to go until 3pm. We ended up meeting my parents again for lunch at The Mission.
...and then driving to Del Mar for a Farmer’s Market. I met a lovely lady who snuck me into restroom (it was for vendors only) and talked to me about vegetarianism and placenta consumption. She joked about, “would she still be vegetarian if she consumed her placenta?” and we discussed human milk vs. cows milk. I guess those topics might be strange to some, but for me they’re constantly on my mind. I am a huge supporter of placenta consumption and encapsulation, even though I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I am still too much a product of this culture. I’m really glad we powered through the drive on the 5 to get to that Farmer’s Market because the food was just as good as the conversations.
Husband made some spaghetti sauce for the pasta that evening. All from scratch, from the ingredients we bought at the farmers market.
Sunday was our last full day in SD. We spent most of the day at the beach. Which was a much needed break and technology detox. Unfortunately for my blog and photography clients we didn’t have any internet access ANYWHERE! So I couldn’t update or edit anything important, but I did post photos on my tumblr thought out the trip via cell phone.
Hope you're all having a wonderful Momma Monday! Do you have anything exciting from your week you'd like to share?! leave me a comment.

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