Thursday, December 1, 2011

Acrostic December Details

I wanted to add a new feature to my blog and that feature is this;a Monthly Acrostic!  You may remember them in poem form from English class but I want to use them here as a monthly reflection on varrying thoughts.  So here's D.E.C.E.M.B.E.R. for you.

Drinking. lots of water, but this month I plan on drinking more hot chocolate in addition to my water and coffee hydration plan. Oh and Traditional Medicinals tea too, got to stay healthy!
Excited for. Sonja to see a new city and to visit close friends.
Celebrating. Husband's birthday, the Winter Solstice and Christmas {sort of} and the New Year!
Entertainment. this month will consist of Sonja opening presents and enjoying the packaging more than the gift.
Music. my current playlist with chirstmas covers and pop punk:

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Blessings. I am so blessed these days, it's hard to think of them all, but I am thankful for my health. That one means a lot.  I'm also blessed with a great Husband who does so much for me and his daughter.  I'm blessed with a happy family both close and extended, blessed with good friends who care about me, my family, and the earth. and I'm blessed with healthy food, clean water {a luxury for many, sadly} and mostly fresh air.
Expectations.  I expect people to be on time, if you love me, you will be when and where you said you would be on time.  This is a big pet peeve of mine, and it all stems from childhood expeinces, please don't be the parent making your child wait after ballet class EVERY WEEK for 15 minutes after everyone else is gone... it will scar them, for life. Ask the hubs.
Ready. I am ready for the flight we're about to take, as much as I hate flying I miss my friends and far away city, so I'm going to trust in the pilots and pray to every god to get us there safely.

So, there it is, a fun survey to share with the world, you can keep the words the same or change out the ones you dislike, either way, if you participate, link back here on you space and link yourself up below!

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