Today was another park day. I'm making a serious effort to go to the park at least once a week, as you may remember from my last A Day at the Park post. My reasoning for including the park as part of our weekly ritual is:
1. I get to walk around outside (is there anything else I need to add?)
2. Sonja gets to see plants and animals in an otherwise large city.
3. Sonja gets to touch said plants and maybe eventually animals.
4. I plan on "Non-Schooling" Cupcake, this means we will be using the Socratic method or child lead learning. She will ask questions and I (or someone more educated) will give answers. By starting off at the park she can ask questions about nature, learn about seasons, consider urban vs. wild, experience many sensations and textures, and more.
5. It's a nice mini field trip out of the house.
Mid-Morning Snack.
Our Shadows by the Roses and Fountains
The Ducks, they thought we had food...
A leaf in the fountain.
Pretty fountain with birds all around.
Cupcake staring up at the trees
Her view of the tree
Laying down in the grass
Fun edited photo of The Sweetness standing up in the grass
Hope you enjoy the Photos. I've noticed his blog has slowly shifted from doing it yourself to momming it yourself. I plan to post more D.I.Y. ideas but, I'm caught up in Sonja's awesomeness. If you're reading this blog for crafty projects click the D.I.Y. category link on the right. Hopefully, I'll have some new projects for you soon!
Happy Thursday!

I'm glad you posted this about "non-schooling" because thats pretty much our plan too for our little guy and I've been thinking lately about when school would actually start for him. I've been floating along with the idea that I didn't need to be conscious of creating learning opportunities for him until he was about 5, when school starts for most kids. But just the other day I was thinking that his schooling is actually starting now! It kind of blew my mind thinking of all the unintentional ways I give lessons (modeling behavior and emotional patterns...) and got me really excited about things I could start doing with him like modeling skills I want to pass on, while giving him miniature tools to use too. Anyway, I'm glad to read about someone else on the same wavelength!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you posted about non-schooling! Thats our plan for our little guy too. I've realized lately that I've been floating along thinking that I would start intentionally cultivating some learning experiences around about 5 when most kids start school...I realized just the other day though that he's really starting school now! It blew my mind to think about all the unintentional behavior that I model for him and how much more effort I want to put into exposing him to the things that I really care about and think people should be doing in this world. Thanks for this post! I love the pics too! Good to hear about someone else on the same unschooling wavelength!
ReplyDeleteAmi and Lydia you guys are amazing! I can't wait until we can make it up to the pacific northwest for a visit. you guys have impacted us so much, you're the reason we were comfortable with a home birth to begin with. plus with babies on the same birth date how could we not be on the same wavelength? ;)