Here's my week in review:
Monday, my brother in law came over to help out while I cleaned and baked. So thankful for family!
On Tuesday just before heading to our Eats on Feets gathering, Sonja puked all over the bed. I mean all over. She's not a spit up baby and it was the entire contents of my left and right boob. I have no idea why she threw up but as soon as she did she was fine. I'm going to blame it on teething? I decided we should go to the Eats on Feets meeting, and I brought my cookies andsome a shit ton of watermelon and a bunch of mint and oregano since my herb garden is out of control. While at the meeting, two recipient mamas had myself and another mama nurse their babies. I even tandem nursed because Cupcake got a little jealous of the little five day old babe and wanted some milk too.
Monday, my brother in law came over to help out while I cleaned and baked. So thankful for family!
Recipe HERE.
On Tuesday just before heading to our Eats on Feets gathering, Sonja puked all over the bed. I mean all over. She's not a spit up baby and it was the entire contents of my left and right boob. I have no idea why she threw up but as soon as she did she was fine. I'm going to blame it on teething? I decided we should go to the Eats on Feets meeting, and I brought my cookies and
gah, my boobs look so saggy here, oh well.
Full tummies and no formula here.
My sister and I had our usual Wednesday hang out. We met up and headed to Fashion Square Mall so I could get my Lush fix and we could get our free Godiva chocolate. I also had a free Victoria's Secret panty! I love those stupid rewards programs, because we have such a tight budget, it let's me get my shopoholic fix without really relapsing. If you're not getting free stuff from somewhere, you're not paying attention. I don't have TV, so I don't watch that coupon show, but seriously people are giving shit away, and if you look in the right spots you can get some great stuff.
In the mornings.
Also, Wednesday was open hours at Midwives Rising. So, my sister and I stopped by to hang up the first of many Mumby Photos {Mumby Photography- Mum and Baby Photography (and daddies too) by yours truly}.
I went through several name choices for my Mum and Baby Photography project;
MadreGraphia-not my native language
Momograph-too much like telegraph
Mamagraph-too much like mammogram
Maternography-refers to ONLY pregnancy
and FINALLY, Mumby Photography
We stayed for a bit an hung out with some new parents and some expecting parents and then headed off to meet our mama for lunch. It's so nice to have a flexible schedule to meet up with others when they're free. I'm so thankful for my wonderful Husband who does SO much so Sonja and I can bond and breastfeed.
On Thursday we were supposed to have a play date with K&R but they had family in town, so we rescheduled and Cupcake and I hung out all day. I caught up on blogging, photo editing for my students' artwork and did some last minute grocery shopping. I NEEDED bananas and fruit. So that I could make a smoothie, cravings post pregnancy just make you sound crazy, BUT I'm blaming them on breastfeeding and when I NEED a banana or whipped cream I NEED it. So, we got it.
Friday we went swimming at Uncle Wayne's and I went thrifting! I've got a bunch of projects to start on this week, so look out for some Before and After posts.
"New" tea cup from a yardsale!
This Saturday we did our usual lux and farmer's market routine. Then headed to Midwives Rising. I was taking photos of families coming in for their prenatal visits and of the midwives just hanging out. I'm really excited for next weekend though when I'll be taking semi planned photos of families that birthed with Shell or Mani. I'm so thankful for a husband who is willing to hang out, watch our daughter and chat with the ladies of MR, while I take photos. Saturday night dinner was fancy grilled cheeses and butternut squash (from my garden). If you've never added tomato and artichoke to your grilled cheeses you're missing out.
The butternut squash.
a mini eggplant.
and a future pickle.
Last but not least; Sunday. I really wanted to try Rita's Italian Ice after Danielle RAVED about it. So, we did.
It's actually close to my in-law's house so after I got a delicious blue raspberry with vanilla custard Gelati we headed over to see Sonja's grandparents. We hung out for a bit, while I got my grades completed.
When we got home I wasn't feeling amazing so I nursed Cupcake down for a nap. When we woke up I felt worse. Husband took over and I stayed in our room/bathroom. I had a serious headache (surprised?!), wicked cramps (even though I'm done with my monthly event), and felt like I was going to puke. NOT AWESOME. So after spending hours in pain, I called my midwife, well ex-midwife? not sure how that works once you have the baby... Anyway, I asked her if it was normal to have ovarian/uterine cramping post-period and she recommended Cramp Bark Which I had some of, but in a compound form. So Hubs ran to the store for me. LOVE him. Got me some liquid Cramp Bark, and Sea Salt and yogurt (my anti-puke food). And finally, after taking the CB I felt better. Almost instantly, although, I think it was more like 10 minutes.
I still took a bath with Sea Salt and Epson Salt, just to be sure. Then I headed to bed, where Husband started watching Sons of Anarchy on netflix- just what I need. A new show to get sucked into. Anyway, I'm feeling much better now, and I can't describe the comfort of knowing that even though I'm not with child my midwife will still answer her phone and my questions.
I always feel like these posts are too much info at once, but if you've made it all the way through, I guess you like reading about my week.
Hope you guys are all having a wonderful Momma Monday
...and if you have the time, click the banner below and then the owl on the left. I'd love to keep this blog easily accessible to mamas in the blogging world.

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